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Spiritual Growth and Development

Spiritual Growth and Development

In this livestream we're exploring the world of Spiritual Growth and Development. Whether you're new to the spiritual journey or you've been on this path for a while, this session is for everyone looking to dive deeper into their inner world. We'll chat about what spiritual growth really means, how it impacts our mental health, and share some fun, practical ways to nurture our spiritual selves. Think of it as a friendly get-together where we share stories, insights, and maybe even a few "aha!" moments. Let's create some positive vibes and inspire each other on our paths to spiritual wellness.

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Overthinking and Rumination

Overthinking and Rumination

This month we're going to delve into a topic that many of us wrestle with: Overthinking and Rumination. It's that familiar territory where our minds just don't know when to hit the 'off' switch, constantly replaying thoughts and scenarios. In this session, we're going to break down what's really happening when we overthink, explore why our brains get caught in these loops, and most importantly, share some practical, accessible strategies to help us step out of the cycle. Whether overthinking has been a long-time companion for you or it's a new challenge you're facing, this livestream is your space to gain insights, tips, and some camaraderie. So, settle in and let's chat about turning down the volume of our inner critic and finding more peace of mind. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you all!

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Understanding our Ego's

Understanding our Ego's

The ego is often a misunderstood part of our psyche and mental health and today, we're going to shed some light on what it really is, how it influences our thoughts and behaviors, and why it's so important to understand it for our overall well-being. We'll explore the fine line between healthy self-esteem and an overinflated ego, and discuss how to find that balance. Whether you're curious about the psychological aspects or just looking for ways to better understand yourself and those around you, this session is for you. Let's unravel the mysteries of the ego together in an enlightening conversation. Can't wait to have you join us for this journey of self-discovery!

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Proactive Parenting That Prevents Struggle

Proactive Parenting That Prevents Struggle

Hey everyone! Welcome to our livestream focused on proactive parenting to nip potential struggles in the bud. We're diving into how a forward-thinking approach to parenting can really make a difference in our children's lives. Expect to pick up practical strategies, insights, and a touch of child psychology to better understand and support your child's mental health. This session is for all parents looking to empower themselves with knowledge and tools for a smoother parenting journey. So, grab a comfy seat and join us for an engaging chat filled with tips and a supportive community vibe. Can't wait to see you there!

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Getting Better at Self Talk for HSPs

Getting Better at Self Talk for HSPs

This month we're focusing on a super relevant topic for all the Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) out there: the art of positive self-talk. If you're someone who feels deeply, picks up on the subtleties in your environment, and often finds yourself overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions, this is the place for you. We're going to explore how the conversations we have with ourselves can really shape our experiences, especially for HSPs. We'll discuss strategies to transform negative self-talk into a more empowering and compassionate inner dialogue. Whether you're new to the concept of being an HSP or you've known it all your life, this session is all about understanding and nurturing your sensitive nature through the power of positive self-talk. Can't wait to connect with you all!

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Support vs Enabling of Self and Others

Support vs Enabling of Self and Others

Welcome to our livestream today, where we're tackling an incredibly important, yet often misunderstood topic in mental health: the fine line between support and enabling. If you've ever found yourself wondering whether you're genuinely helping someone or unintentionally contributing to unhealthy behaviors, then you're in the right place. We're going to dive into what it means to truly support someone (or ourselves) in a way that promotes their well-being and independence, versus enabling behavior that might hold them back. Whether you're a caregiver, a friend, or someone who's just trying to be there for a loved one, this discussion is going to shed some light on how to strike that delicate balance. So, let's have an open and honest conversation about making supportive choices that truly benefit ourselves and those we care about. Can't wait to share insights and learn together with you all!

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Healing Addiction Through Connection

Healing Addiction Through Connection

Hey everyone! Welcome to our livestream on healing addiction through connection. Today, we're exploring how strong relationships and a sense of community play a crucial role in overcoming addiction. It's about more than just clinical methods; it's about the power of empathy, understanding, and real human connection. Whether you're affected by addiction, supporting someone who is, or simply interested in the topic, this session is a place for stories, practical advice, and a supportive community vibe. So, grab a comfortable spot and join us as we discuss how connection can be a beacon of light in the journey of addiction recovery. Can't wait to see you there!

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Leaving Codependency

Leaving Codependency

Codependency is one of those tricky things that can sneak into our relationships without us even realizing it. In this session, we're going to shed some light on what codependency looks like, how to spot its signs in our lives, and most importantly, how to step away from it towards healthier relationships. Whether you suspect you’re in a codependent relationship, or you’re just curious about the topic, this chat is going to be full of insights, real-life stories, and practical tips.

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Psychedelics and Healing

Psychedelics and Healing

On this Month's livestream, I'm discussing psychedelics and their role in mental health, healing, and alternative medicine. In this session, we will dive deep into the world of psychedelic substances and explore their potential therapeutic effects.

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Parentification is a term used to describe the phenomenon when a child is called upon to take on responsibilities that are typically those of the parent, such as caring for siblings, providing emotional support, or even financial support. We will delve into the different types of Parentification, the long-term impact on mental health and the strategies that can be used to break the cycle.

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Perfectionism & Mental Health

Perfectionism & Mental Health

Perfectionism is a common trait among many individuals, and it can be a double-edged sword. It can drive individuals to achieve great success and reach their full potential. On the other hand, it can lead to negative effects on mental health and well-being. The constant need to strive for perfection can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. In this months livestream, we will explore the relationship between perfectionism and our emotional state, and discuss ways in which individuals can manage and overcome perfectionistic tendencies in order to improve their overall well-being.

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