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Overthinking and Rumination

This month we're going to delve into a topic that many of us wrestle with: Overthinking and Rumination. It's that familiar territory where our minds just don't know when to hit the 'off' switch, constantly replaying thoughts and scenarios. In this session, we're going to break down what's really happening when we overthink, explore why our brains get caught in these loops, and most importantly, share some practical, accessible strategies to help us step out of the cycle. Whether overthinking has been a long-time companion for you or it's a new challenge you're facing, this livestream is your space to gain insights, tips, and some camaraderie. So, settle in and let's chat about turning down the volume of our inner critic and finding more peace of mind. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you all!

July 10

Spiritual Growth and Development

September 11

Understanding our Ego's